ダムゼル 運命を拓きし者
- I’ve never heard of the Kingdom of Aurea until Father sprang this on me.
- This is how you want your prince to meet you?
- Cold as corpse. Nose all drippy and wet.
What have I been telling you this entire trip? - First impressions are everything.
- The captain informs me we approach Aurea’s coastline. It should be any time now.
- The royal family is at prayer, but word has been sent of your arrival. In the meantime, your rooms have been made ready. If you will follow me.
- I think I had a rather limited definition of wealthy.
- at first light I shall return to convey you to meet his Royal Highness.
- I just hope he is kind and well-read.
- Let’s all give Eloise some privacy. She can use the time to settle in, as we all could. Oh, indeed.
- Perhaps you could talk to Stepmother. She means well, even if she’s a bit exhausting.
- My son understates our joy. If I may say so, your father has understated your beauty.
We elders have some trivial matters like weddings to attend to. - If my attitude offends you, I do apologize. It was not my intent.
- I saw some horses being left unattended at the stables.
- Four-Alpha. I repeat, Four-Alpha. Window seat. His team’s on all sides.
- All of them studs. And you ring him up. I got emotional. A tear fell.
- I got him in his neck, but I was aiming at his head.
- The file was spiked.
- We have a tail on him.
- He won’t cross me. He’ll fall in line.
- You can hole up in my place.
- Amazing work. I was on the edge of my seat.
- Your formality, it’s Southern.
- You know, if you’re gonna use me as bait and possibly murder me, then the least you can do is indulge me in some conversation.
- He’s got a big heart, like you.
- If you knock out all the lights, how are you gonna see your own trip wire on the way out?
- Lean into your fear.
- Any of this ringing true?
- You’re just trying to rattle me.
- Meticulous
- Relentless
- All I wanna do now is put some good in the world. I just got to figure out how.
- No ghosts? – Not like before.
- So you settled on a major yet? – Oh, leaning towards engineering.
- Real charmer you got there.
- She’s been good to us in ways you just don’t understand.
- Only use it in times of severe distress.
- We’ve made the stride forward.
- forensic
- land shark
- maritime advances
- coercion:the use of threats or orders to make someone do something they do not want to do
- 幕后功臣
- 做过多部电影
- 春节档电影
- 说到喜剧的话,
- 说到中国电影,你最喜欢的导演是谁
- 说到东北,我以前去过沈阳和大连
- 东北话才是中文的精髓
- 想必
- 我们去年以这个作品作为教材做了一个学习中文的广播讲座
- 就这么点菜,够吃吗
- 我的工资还不够一个人用的
- 我总觉得衣服不够穿
- 够辣的啦(語気を和らげる的)
- 有的年会来得多一点。可能在多的时候,一年来两三次。有的时候还会在日本演出。
- 那个和这个会有一个非常大的不同
- 适合度假的地方
- 英文它是自带一个节奏感的
- 我们怎么可能从人群中突围
- 你怎么突然就变得爱说话了
- 本能直觉胜过一切
- 最好还是不要知道
- 都这么晚了,怎么打不到车啊?
- 最近过去三年都没来
- 在这个之前,就是有的年来得多一点
- 有些年头了
- 探求欲
- 口水战
- 一唱一和
- 青睐
- 言听计从
- 美台填不上窟窿
- 破罐破摔
- 人体盾牌
- 撤离令
- 支原体肺炎
- 新瓶装旧酒
- 每个人的生活翻天覆地
- 固若金汤
- 绞车
- 气氛顿时紧张起来
- 我的好像不太行,有什么要领吗
- 理气健脾
- 底蕴
- 火眼金睛
- 给他背书
- 闭口不谈了
- 有什么反常的吗?
- 可能是我看走了眼
- 我肯定在哪儿见过他
- 浓而不腻,淡而不薄
- 这是发自内心的
- 我们早餐吃得肚子鼓鼓的
- 点缀一下
- 好下饭
- 调料的配比很重要
- 还需要加水熬制
- 独门秘籍
- 有嚼劲